At the Statehouse
At the Statehouse
Vigilance. Persistence. Expertise.
SC Equality at the Statehouse
We tirelessly lobby the South Carolina General Assembly, executive branch, and local governments, broadcast LGBT news, stories and content, and mobilize our communities on issues that matter most to you, including marriage equality, parental rights, inclusive anti-bullying policies, employment discrimination, hate violence, privacy rights, sexuality education, adoption, domestic partnerships, and HIV/AIDS.
2020 Legislative Action Center is where you can see the legislation introduced in South Carolina that will shape the future of the movement for LGBTQ equality in our state.

Why having a lobbyist represent LGBTQ interest at the Statehouse is so important.
The role and influence of SC Equality lobbyists at the South Carolina Statehouse has grown over the past six years. We have built coalitions to defeat anti-LGBTQ bills (like the “bathroom bill”) and to pass pro equality legislation. By having lobbyist protecting your rights seeking to persuade members of the legislature to enact legislation that would benefit LGBTQ South Carolinians. We have built personal close relationships with members of the General Assembly that trust our ability to work across the aisle on key issues.
We march when needed to show our collective voice.
The fight for Equality in South Carolina is only as strong as our voice. We have marched and rallied at the Statehouse many times in recent years to remind legislators and the community that LGBTQ South Carolinians speak with one loud voice.
We march when needed to show our collective voice.
The fight for Equality in South Carolina is only as strong as our voice. We have marched and rallied at the Statehouse many times in recent years to remind legislators and the community that LGBTQ South Carolinians speak with one loud voice.
SC Equality PAC’s influence in electing legislators
We are seeking not only legal equality, but lived equality by electing people to office who support justice by passing fair and just laws that protect LGBTQ South Carolinians. Each election cycle, SC Equality PAC endorses candidates running for re-election or for the first time for seats at the South Carolina Statehouse.