2020 Statewide/Local Races
2020 Statewide/Local Races

SC Equality PAC announces 1st round of endorsements for 2020.
LGBT South Carolinians will make their voices heard loud and clear on November 3rd.
The stakes in this election could not be higher for LGBT South Carolinians and SC Equality PAC expects that the pro-equality vote in South Carolina will be larger, stronger, and more energized than at any time in the history of movement for LGBT equality.

SC Equality PAC announces endorsements for 2020.
LGBT South Carolinians will make their voices heard loud and clear on November 3rd.
The stakes in this election could not be higher for LGBT South Carolinians and SC Equality PAC expects that the pro-equality vote in South Carolina will be larger, stronger, and more energized than at any time in the history of movement for LGBT equality.
Your Vote is Your Voice

An LGBT Champion designation reveals that this candidate is an incumbent and has a record of LGBT equality. Their record speaks for itself and the SC Equality PAC endorses this candidate without hesitation. This designation should reflect to our allies and supporters that this candidate should receive your vote.

SC Equality PAC invited this candidate to answer a candidate questionnaire in order to gauge this candidates standing not only on LGBT issues in South Carolina, but also on other issues directly related to other social justice issues. After careful review, the PAC has endorsed this candidate for the office they seek. This designation should reflect to our allies and supporters that this candidate should receive your vote.

An LGBT Champion designation reveals that this candidate is an incumbent and has a record of LGBT equality. Their record speaks for itself and the SC Equality PAC endorses this candidate without hesitation. This designation should reflect to our allies and supporters that this candidate should receive your vote.

SC Equality PAC invited this candidate to answer a candidate questionnaire in order to gauge this candidates standing not only on LGBT issues in South Carolina, but also on other issues directly related to other social justice issues. After careful review, the PAC has endorsed this candidate for the office they seek. This designation should reflect to our allies and supporters that this candidate should receive your vote.

Be Informed. Know which candidates support full lived equality in S.C.
In addition to the state and local candidates above, SC Equality has compiled a comprehensive 2020 LGBTQ Voter Guide to help you make an informed decision on which candidates deserve your vote. We not only have interviewed the candidates we are endorsing this year, we have worked side by side with all incumbents seeking re-election and fully endorse all candidates (federal, state and local) listed in the 2020 LGBTQ Voter Guide.
First, commit to vote in November. Second, review the Voter Guide and help elect pro-equality candidates on November 3rd.