Candidate Spotlight: Election 2018, Ben Pogue
Ben Pogue SC HOUSE SEAT 110 Charleston County "Our expression of love and gender is a critical part of our identity. Without the freedom to be who we truly are, [...]
Candidate Spotlight: Election 2018, JA Moore
J.A. Moore SC HOUSE SEAT 15 Berkeley and Charleston Counties I’m running for State House because our community deserves more. More economic opportunity. More affordable housing. More quality education. More [...]
Candidate Spotlight: Election 2018, Jen Gibson
Jen Gibson SC HOUSE SEAT 99 Berkeley and Charleston Counties "I am running to be a voice and a presence for those not represented by the current decision makers. [...]
This is it. Only 9 hours to go.
This is it. The voter registration deadline for South Carolina is midnight tonight-- and I'm reaching out today with a special challenge for you. (Before we get started, take two minutes and confirm your voter registration [...]
Absentee Voting begins in South Carolina Let’s Elect Pro-Equality Candidates in November. Your Vote. Your Voice.
South Carolina voters can begin casting in-person absentee ballots for the Nov. 6 general election now. The state doesn't allow no-excuses early voting. But someone who is working, will be out of town, is sixty-five [...]
SC voter registration deadline extended 10 days after Florence flooding to October 17th
South Carolina voters will have an extra 10 days to register to vote after a judge agreed to an extension in the wake of massive flooding from Hurricane Florence. This is believed to be the [...]