‘Transgender’ Could Be Defined Out of Existence Under Trump Administration
‘Transgender’ Could Be Defined Out of Existence Under Trump Administration NY TIMES By Erica L. Green, Katie Benner and Robert Pear Oct. 21, 2018 WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is considering narrowly defining gender as a biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth, [...]
Candidate Spotlight: Election 2018, Vickie Holt
Vickie Holt SC HOUSE SEAT 48 York County "I am running because I want to represent all of the people of SC48, not special interest groups or partisan entities. I am uniquely qualified because I have spent my 42+ year [...]
Candidate Spotlight: Election 2018, Helen M. Pendarvis
Helen M. Pendarvis SC HOUSE SEAT 35 Greenville and Spartanburg Counties "I am running because my district needs someone to advocate for them and I am an advocate for children and families." "My son is a part of the LGBT [...]
Candidate Spotlight: Election 2018, Lucy Hoffman
Lucy Hoffman SC HOUSE SEAT 10 Anderson, Greenville and Pickens Counties "Educational background, strong work ethic, determination to make things better." "I support marriage equality fully. " "I don't see why love should be between people of opposite genders. Love [...]
Candidate Spotlight: Election 2018, Ben Pogue
Ben Pogue SC HOUSE SEAT 110 Charleston County "Our expression of love and gender is a critical part of our identity. Without the freedom to be who we truly are, and to accept others as they are, we cannot effectively [...]
Candidate Spotlight: Election 2018, JA Moore
J.A. Moore SC HOUSE SEAT 15 Berkeley and Charleston Counties I’m running for State House because our community deserves more. More economic opportunity. More affordable housing. More quality education. More public transportation. More job training. The status quo – underfunded [...]
Candidate Spotlight: Election 2018, Jen Gibson
Jen Gibson SC HOUSE SEAT 99 Berkeley and Charleston Counties "I am running to be a voice and a presence for those not represented by the current decision makers. I believe the solutions to our problems will come with [...]
This is it. Only 9 hours to go.
This is it. The voter registration deadline for South Carolina is midnight tonight-- and I'm reaching out today with a special challenge for you. (Before we get started, take two minutes and confirm your voter registration status in South Carolina.) Confirm Registration Status IF [...]