Your Election Day Toolkit!
Your Vote is Your Voice
Learn about ALL of the candidates we have endorsed for this important election.
Click on the link below to view all of the endorsed candidates.
Happy Election Day! With so much on the line in these midterms, we need every equality voter to show up and cast your vote. Our community is counting on us! Just to make it easy, here’s everything you need to get out and vote today!
Who’s on the ballot? Here’s our list of pro-equality candidates. Print it out and take it with you!
What ID do I need? When voting in person, you will be asked to show one of the following Photo IDs:
- SC Driver’s License
- SC Department of Motor Vehicles ID Card
- Includes SC Concealed Weapons Permit
- SC Voter Registration Card with Photo
- Federal Military ID
- Includes all Department of Defense Photo IDs and Veterans Affairs Benefits Card
- US Passport
- Includes US Passport ID Card
Make your voting experience as fast and easy as possible by getting a free Photo ID from your county voter registration and elections office or your local DMV office.
Where do I go? Now that early voting has ended, you must go to the designated polling place for your precinct. You can enter your address here if you don’t know your polling place.
What are the hours? Polls are open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. If you’re in line at 7:00 PM, you must be allowed to vote.
There’s so much at stake this year for our state.
Today, we can send a message to Washigton DC and Columbia that we will not go back. Let’s “TURN OUT THE VOTE” and push South Carolina forward to full equality! But the only way it can happen is if we help everyone we know get to the polls.
So here’s your chance: Forward this email to as many South Carolinians as you can. Make sure they’re fired up and ready to VOTE today.